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Interdisciplinary performance and composition of music, dance, word, sound, video, and photography



The Garden of Earthly Delights

ELEGY: Music and Poetry of the Ultimate Voyage

Thursday, November 12, 2015, 7 PM
Fusion, 5014 7th Ave., Kenosha, WI 53140

Join Voices and Verses as we reflect on concepts of and attitudes toward death, the afterlife, and the departed through poetry, song, contemporary and improvised music, and visual art.

As a young person growing up in the former Czechoslovakia, Voices and Verses founder Karel Suchy marked All Saints Day with his family and friends by processing with lighted paper lanterns; winding lines of lights meandering through the hillsides, followed by gathering for a community bonfire. People visited and placed fresh flowers at the graves of the departed. Karel still fondly recalls those traditions. Many cultures have similar special customs. This inspired Voices and Verses musicians/actors Win Germanotta, Jennifer Lautz, Joe Papenfuss, Dan Stika, Julia Suchy and Karel Suchy to use the arts to explore the serious side, and the humorous aspects, of how we deal with mortality and the departed.

The ensemble will perform works composed by Suchy and fellow Czech-born composer Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959), as well as improvisations based on music, poetry and prose. Both the indoor space and outdoor patio will be included for a lantern procession. The audience is invited to participate by bringing lanterns and/or writing brief epitaphs or memorials which may be used in the performance. Beverages will be offered for sale by Fusion, and light snacks will be provided. Admission $5.



Boats on Lake Michigan

Rocking the Boat

Saturday, August 22, 2015, 7:00 PM
The Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, 926 E. Center St., Milwaukee, WI 53212

Voices and Verses will present a collection of songs, contemporary and improvised music, poetry, etc. selected to “Rock the Boat” on Saturday, August 22, 2015, 7:00 PM at the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, 926 E. Center Street, Milwaukee, WI. In the words of the great Orson Welles, “I prefer people who rock the boat, to people who jump out.” This and other quotations by Welles, poetry by Bruce DeYoung and Jennifer Knox, and more will entertain all. V&V hopes to encourage and inspire fellow boat-rockers in their quest to innovate and help save the world.

Voices and Verses founder Karel Suchy will be joined by singers/actors Win Germanotta, Georgine Kudrna, Carol Larsen, and Julia Suchy. The ensemble will perform works composed by Suchy and fellow Czech-born composer Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959), as well as improvisations based on poetry and prose.

The Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts is a project of The Riverwest Artist Association, which is a Not-For-Profit Organization comprised of a diverse collection of individuals who share the common belief that everyone should have the opportunity and support for expressing, experiencing, and sharing their ideas, visions, and talents. They seek to improve the area in which they live by collaborating their strengths, exploring their differences, and challenging themselves to grow as individuals and as a community, through the arts.


Lake Stripping by Karel Suchy

Music of the Mind

Thursday, May 14, 2015, 7 PM
Fusion, 5014 7th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140

Voices and Verses cordially invites you to experience new works of performing arts and music, including pieces just being created across a wide spectrum of art disciplines. We're celebrating the 100th birthday of Orsone Welles, and "National Composer Night out."

A fascinating compilation of recently composed and improvised music with inter-media performing arts will blend with quotations by Orson Welles. The inventiveness of Orson Welles’s mind and the controversial dynamics of his relationship to his birthplace will provide inspiration.

Musical influences will include new music, jazz, and classical. Musicians will perform using studio-crafted original instruments, acoustic instruments (some with electronic effects), electronic music, electric instruments, and voice. Spoken word and visual components will be integrated with the music.

More than 20 composers, performers, and improvisers from the Milwaukee/Chicago corridor will participate. Some will present work as soloists, and several will play in interactive ensembles. There will be opportunities for audience interaction and sharing of ideas. Tickets will be available in advance at www.kenoshafusion.com and at the door. The cost is $5.

The line-up of performers includes:

Music of the Mind is associated with Citizen Welles Society’s month-long recognition of Orson Welles’s birth in Kenosha 100 years ago. It is simultaneously part of “National Composer Night Out” which is a celebration of the 40th anniversary of the American Composers Forum. It is also planned to be the first in a series of new music/performing arts events in the Racine/Kenosha area.

National Composer Night Out logo

Citizen Welles Society

We would love to hear from you. Please contact us at:

Voices and Verses
1259 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, WI 53140


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